EC view on the expected proposal on the revision of waste-related targets
20/05/2014EC view on the expected proposal on the revision of waste-related targets -
FEAD presentation on environmental standardisation
19/05/2014FEAD presentation on environmental standardisation -
Draft FEAD statement on the implementation of the in-house provisions into the national law
15/05/2014Draft FEAD statement on the implementation of the in-house provisions into the national law -
Invitation from the European Commission to the 1st Workshop on a Data Inventory for a Raw Material System Analysis
13/05/2014Invitation from the European Commission to the 1st Workshop on a Data Inventory for a Raw Material System Analysis -
Draft BusinessEurope letter to Commissioner Potocnik - Resource Efficiency Target
13/05/2014Draft BusinessEurope letter to Commissioner Potocnik - Resource Efficiency Target -
Draft BusinessEurope letter to Commissioner Potocnik - Resource Efficiency Target
13/05/2014Draft BusinessEurope letter to Commissioner Potocnik - Resource Efficiency Target